Joost Vossers

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Hey there! I am a student at Umeå University in Umeå, Sweden. Currently, I am in my second year of the Master's Programme in Artificial Intelligence. For this degree, I moved to Sweden from the Netherlands where I previously obtained my Bachelor's Degree in Artificial Intelligence at the Radboud University in Nijmegen.

My main interest within the field of AI align with the responsible use of AI. I want to work towards technologies that are accessible and safe to use for everyone, regardless of their background. I enjoy studying and discussing the ethical and societal impact of (AI) technologies and I think that this is an important area of research. Because of this, I have been involved with the Responsible AI Research Group in Umeå to learn and grow in the academic field.

At Radboud University, I was previously active as a Student Research Assistant at the Centre for Language Studies. Here, I have contributed to the development of ROLEG, a tool for (linguistic) researchers to more easily set up their online experiments. At Radboud, I also worked as a teaching assistent for the course AI as a Science. Additionally, as part of a project course during my Bachelor, I was part of a team developing a smart BCI keyboard for MindAffect.


Vossers J., Danelid F., Brännström A., & Nieves J. C. (2023). Towards deception detection in multiplayer dialogue games using trust-based argumentation. In: The Workshop on Ethics of Game Artificial Intelligence (EGAI)@ECAI-23, Kraków, Poland, September 30 - October 4, 2023.

Vossers J., Brännström A., Borglund E., Hansson J., & Nieves J. C. (2023) Human-aware planning for situational awareness in indoor police interventions. HHAI 2024: HYBRID HUMAN AI SYSTEMS FOR THE SOCIAL GOOD, 325.


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If you want the most recent version of my CV, to cooperate on a (research) project, or if you have any questions in general, do not hesitate to contact me in one of the ways at the bottom of this page.